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Each year, the Marching Band walks through the neighborhoods of Louisville and Superior asking our neighbors and friends for donations to help fund the Marching Band program. 


The Monarch High School Marching Band and other music programs are largely self-funded. The Monarch Band Boosters work hard to provide fundraising opportunities throughout the year and rely heavily on donations from neighbors and band parents throughout Superior and Louisville.

​You can also directly make a donation to the band through Colorado Gives.




Your gift to the Monarch Band Boosters will help financially support the Marching Band and other band programs during these difficult financial times.  Funds go directly to help pay for expert instruction and the costs to put on a successful marching season, including entry fees, food, and transportation. 


Your generosity is tax-deductible as the Monarch Band Boosters is a 501(c)(3) organization.

Monarch High School | 329 Campus Drive | Louisville, CO  80027 

Monarch Band Boosters | P.O. Box 270504 | Louisville, CO  80027 

Band Director Chuck Stephen | | Tel: 720-561-4200

Booster President |

© 2024 MHS Band Boosters

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